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Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019: Unduh PDF Klasifikasi, Kodefikasi, dan Nomenklatur Perencanaan d


What is Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF Download?

Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF Download is a term that refers to the downloading of the annexes of the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 90 of 2019 on Classification, Codification, and Nomenclature of Regional Development and Finance Planning. This regulation is a legal document that regulates the classification, codification, and nomenclature of regional development and finance planning in Indonesia. The annexes of this regulation contain the detailed tables and codes that are used as references in the preparation of regional development and finance documents.

Background and Purpose of Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019

The main provisions of Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019

Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 is based on the consideration that there is a need to integrate and harmonize regional development and finance planning, as well as to support the information system of regional government. The main provisions of this regulation are as follows:

lampiran permendagri 90 tahun 2019 pdf download

  • It defines the terms and concepts related to classification, codification, and nomenclature of regional development and finance planning.

  • It stipulates the scope and principles of classification, codification, and nomenclature of regional development and finance planning.

  • It establishes the classification, codification, and nomenclature of regional development and finance planning according to the types, levels, sectors, programs, activities, sub-activities, outputs, outcomes, indicators, targets, sources, and allocation of funds.

  • It determines the authority and responsibility of the central government, provincial government, district/city government, and village government in implementing classification, codification, and nomenclature of regional development and finance planning.

  • It regulates the coordination, supervision, evaluation, reporting, and updating mechanisms of classification, codification, and nomenclature of regional development and finance planning.

The benefits of Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 for regional development and finance

Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 has several benefits for regional development and finance, such as:

  • It provides a common framework and standard for regional development and finance planning across different regions and levels of government.

  • It facilitates the integration and alignment of regional development and finance planning with national development planning and budgeting.

  • It enhances the transparency, accountability, efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of regional development and finance planning.

  • It supports the monitoring, evaluation, analysis, reporting, and dissemination of regional development and finance performance.

  • It enables the identification, prioritization, allocation, utilization, and optimization of regional development and finance resources.

How to Download Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF

The official sources of Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF

Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF can be downloaded from the official sources that are authorized by the Ministry of Home Affairs. These sources are:

<li The official website of the Ministry of Home Affairs, which can be accessed at [

The official website of the Directorate General of Regional Development and Finance, which can be accessed at [

The official website of the Directorate of Regional Development Planning, which can be accessed at [

The official website of the Directorate of Regional Finance, which can be accessed at [

The steps to download Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF

The steps to download Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF from the official sources are as follows:

  • Visit one of the official sources mentioned above.

  • Find the menu or link that leads to the regulation or document section.

  • Search for the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 90 of 2019 on Classification, Codification, and Nomenclature of Regional Development and Finance Planning.

  • Click on the download button or icon to download the regulation in PDF format.

  • Open the downloaded PDF file and scroll down to the annexes section.

  • Save or print the annexes as needed.

How to Use Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF

The structure and format of Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF

Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF consists of six annexes that are numbered from I to VI. Each annex has a different structure and format, depending on the type and level of classification, codification, and nomenclature. The following table summarizes the structure and format of each annex:

AnnexType and LevelStructure and Format

IType and Level of Regional Development PlanningA table that shows the types and levels of regional development planning, such as national, provincial, district/city, and village; strategic, medium-term, annual, and activity; and vision, mission, goal, objective, strategy, policy, priority, program, activity, sub-activity, output, outcome, indicator, target, source, and allocation.

IISector Classification and CodificationA table that shows the sector classification and codification according to the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) Rev.4. The table has four columns: sector code, sector name, sector description, and sector category.

IIIProgram Classification and CodificationA table that shows the program classification and codification according to the National Standard Classification of Government Expenditure (Klasifikasi Belanja Menurut Jenis) (KBMJ). The table has four columns: program code, program name, program description, and program category.

IVActivity Classification and CodificationA table that shows the activity classification and codification according to the National Standard Classification of Government Expenditure (Klasifikasi Belanja Menurut Jenis) (KBMJ). The table has four columns: activity code, activity name, activity description, and activity category.

VSub-Activity Classification and CodificationA table that shows the sub-activity classification and codification according to the National Standard Classification of Government Expenditure (Klasifikasi Belanja Menurut Jenis) (KBMJ). The table has four columns: sub-activity code, sub-activity name, sub-activity description, and sub-activity category.

VINomenclature of Regional Development PlanningA table that shows the nomenclature of regional development planning according to the types and levels of regional development planning. The table has six columns: type and level code, type and level name, nomenclature code, nomenclature name, nomenclature description, and nomenclature category.

The examples and applications of Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF

Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF can be used as a reference Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF can be used as a reference and a guide in the preparation of regional development and finance documents, such as regional medium-term development plans (RPJMD), regional annual development plans (RKPD), regional budget plans (RAPBD), regional budget realization reports (LRA), and regional accountability reports (LKPJ). The following are some examples and applications of Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF:

  • Using Annex I, one can identify the type and level of regional development planning that corresponds to the document being prepared. For example, if one is preparing a RPJMD, the type and level of regional development planning is strategic and provincial/district/city.

  • Using Annex II, one can classify and code the sectors that are relevant to the document being prepared. For example, if one is preparing a RKPD that focuses on health sector, the sector code is 86 and the sector name is Human Health Activities.

  • Using Annex III, one can classify and code the programs that are related to the document being prepared. For example, if one is preparing a RAPBD that allocates funds for education sector, the program code is 01.01 and the program name is Basic Education Services.

  • Using Annex IV, one can classify and code the activities that are included in the document being prepared. For example, if one is preparing a LRA that reports the expenditure for infrastructure sector, the activity code is 03.01.01 and the activity name is Road Construction.

  • Using Annex V, one can classify and code the sub-activities that are part of the document being prepared. For example, if one is preparing a LKPJ that evaluates the performance of social sector, the sub-activity code is and the sub-activity name is Social Protection for Poor Families.

  • Using Annex VI, one can use the nomenclature of regional development planning to name and describe the document being prepared. For example, if one is preparing a RPJMD for Jakarta Province, the nomenclature code is 1.2.31 and the nomenclature name is Strategic Provincial Development Plan of Jakarta Province.


Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF Download is a useful term for anyone who wants to download and use the annexes of the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 90 of 2019 on Classification, Codification, and Nomenclature of Regional Development and Finance Planning. This regulation is a legal document that regulates the classification, codification, and nomenclature of regional development and finance planning in Indonesia. The annexes of this regulation contain the detailed tables and codes that are used as references in the preparation of regional development and finance documents. The benefits of this regulation are to provide a common framework and standard for regional development and finance planning across different regions and levels of government; to facilitate the integration and alignment of regional development and finance planning with national development planning and budgeting; to enhance the transparency, accountability, efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of regional development and finance planning; to support the monitoring, evaluation, analysis, reporting, and dissemination of regional development and finance performance; and to enable the identification, prioritization, allocation, utilization, and optimization of regional development and finance resources. To download Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF, one can visit one of the official sources authorized by the Ministry of Home Affairs, such as their official website or their directorate websites. To use Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF, one can refer to each annex according to the type and level of classification, codification, and nomenclature that corresponds to the document being prepared.

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What is Permendagri?

Permendagri is an abbreviation for Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri or Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs. It is a type of regulation issued by the Minister of Home Affairs as part of his/her authority in managing home affairs in Indonesia.

What is KBMJ?

KBMJ is an abbreviation for Klasifikasi Belanja Menurut Jenis or National Standard Classification of Government Expenditure. It is a classification system that categorizes government expenditure according to its types or characteristics.

What is ISIC?

ISIC is an abbreviation for International Standard Industrial Classification. It is a classification system that categorizes economic activities according to their nature or purpose.

How many pages are there in Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF?

Lampiran Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF has a total of 184 pages, including the cover page, the table of contents, the regulation text, and the six annexes.

How often is Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF updated?

Lampiran Permendagri 90 Tahun 2019 PDF is updated periodically by the Ministry of Home Affairs, based on the changes and developments in regional development and finance planning. The latest update was issued on December 30, 2019. 44f88ac181

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